Verein grow with new momentum

Annual General Meeting elects new Board members

2 minutes

A lot has happened since the activities of the grow association came to a temporary halt due to the coronavirus pandemic. The founding organisation has grown significantly, gaining additional locations in Wädenswil and, since the beginning of 2023, also in Horgen. The grow association has now been reactivated to better connect the grow member companies and all their employees.

The association was founded in 2015, and even then its main purpose was to enable companies to informally exchange ideas and strengthen one another. This idea was rvisited with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27 September 2023. Under the leadership of the former President Frank Grossmann, founder of the OrphanHealthcare Foundation, the updated Articles of Association were adopted and a new Board of Directors was elected.

The new board members are:
– Mike Adams (Bacoba AG)
– Gottfried Dasen (CCOS AG)
– Fritz Eichenseher (Micreos GmbH)
– Jana Fischer (Navignostics AG)
– Mario Hupfeld (Nemis Technologies AG)
– Dominique Sirena (GlycoEra AG)
The specific distribution of tasks will be determined at a further meeting.

The AGM concluded with an aperitif, in keeping with the association’s purpose. This allowed time and space for networking and exchanging ideas. Initial ideas for further meetings and platforms for cross-location dialogue between grow companies were discussed.

Anyone with input and ideas for the grow organisation can contact the Board of Directors, regardless of their role on the Board. Further information about the grow association and contacts can be found here.