Creoptix – A Malvern Panalytical Brand

Creoptix develops and distributes analytical laboratory devices for life sciences research and the pharmaceutical industry. The high sensitivity of Creoptix devices enables research into the interactions of the smallest molecules supporting new approaches in drug development. The Creoptix WAVE is a high-tech device for analyzing interactions between molecules. The necessary disposable sensor chips (WAVEchip) are available with different sensor surfaces and are suitable for a wide range of laboratory applications.

Creoptix was founded in Wädenswil in 2009 and has been part of Malvern Panalytical, an international manufacturer and supplier of laboratory analyzers, since 2022. The location in Wädenswil and the Creoptix brand name will remain unchanged.

A Malvern Panalytical Brand
Zugerstrasse 76
CH–8820 Wädenswil
Tel. +41 44 533 26 60

CTO and Founder

+41 44 552 24 28